As more and more trailers are released, the conspiracy theories surrounding just what will or will not be appearing in Marvel's Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness are growing ever more wild. The sequel is rumoured to be chock full of characters from the Marvel universe, but with a roster so wide people are wondering just who will show up.
A reveal from the voice actor behind the Scarlet Witch and the one who voices Toby Maguire's Spider-man, lead people to believe this Spider-man might show up in Doctor Strange. When you couple this with the fact that Maguire himself said his appearance in No Way Home "didn't close the chapter" on his character, it seems likely. Then fans were blindsided when the new Doctor Strange trailer dropped mid Super Bowl and it was so jam packed with Easter eggs and reveals people could hardly keep up.
Those wanting to see if they can spot the clues for themselves can check out the latest Doctor Strange trailer in the video below.
Firstly, the trailer revealed the voice of Patrick Stewart, who is famous for playing Charles Xavier in the X-men films. This makes the idea of the appearance of X-men in the new film very probable. While this one is more inconclusive, fans also spotted a shadowy figure with what looked like the Fantastic Four badge leading them to believe Reid Richards might also play a part.
The one character everyone is not only looking forward to, but expecting to see, is Ryan Reynolds' Deadpool. With his quick wit the mutant - who is part of the X-men universe - is a big hit with fans. It has previously been confirmed that the character will be showing up in more crossovers, and with confirmation of Patrick Stewart's attendance people were even more convinced.
In an interview with Variety, Reynolds when asked about his appearance in Doctor Strange, opened with "I guess I'm really not meant to say anything about that," before saying "I'm really not in the movie. - I could be an unreliable narrator, but I promise you I'm not in the movie." Fans are not content with this response knowing his character's way of bending the truth.
Some believe this is merely Reynolds saying that he won't be in the film but not claiming that his character won't. More likely this is a hint that Deadpool will show up in an infamous post credit sequence and not in the actual film. Whichever it is we won't find out until the release in April.
Topics: Marvel, TV And Film