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Red Dead Redemption 2 free 'expansion' is one you won't to play with family around

Red Dead Redemption 2 free 'expansion' is one you won't to play with family around

Not one for the kids

We've all been there are some point in our lives as gamers. You're playing a seemingly innocuous enough video game when, out of nowhere, your parents stroll in just in time to see whatever the most inappropriate thing the game can muster up appear on screen.

I'll never forget playing The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, and the look of confused shame on my wife's face as she saw Geralt and Yennefer getting to know one another atop a unicorn. And how many of us have been left red-faced by a poorly timed salacious loading screen in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas?

Take a look at some of the very best Red Dead Redemption 2 wins and fails below!

Timing is everything. Though I will say if you end up falling foul of such embarrassing moments while playing this Red Dead Redemption 2 mod, you only have yourself to blame.

If you're the sort of person that played Rockstar Games' epic Western and found yourself wishing there were just a few more sex workers, this is definitely the mod for you. Just remember you've got it installed if you ever invite nan round for tea.

The mod, which I am sorry to tell you is called "Harlots", claims to "tastefully" add five working girls to the map for you to "enjoy". Not my words, I have to stress that.

You can find these women in Strawberry, Valentine, Rhodes, St. Denis, and Blackwater. As you can imagine, it doesn't add a whole bunch to the game outside of some NSFW encounters, but if you really want a super immersive drunken cowboy experience then I guess this goes some way towards making that a reality for you. Again, just watch out for stray relatives wandering around if you do insist on checking this mod out for yourselves.

Featured Image Credit: Rockstar Games

Topics: Red Dead Redemption 2, Rockstar Games, Red Dead Redemption, Mods

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