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Starfield review bombing is already ruining the game's launch

Starfield review bombing is already ruining the game's launch

Starfield review bombing is ruining everything already

Starfield isn't even out for another few weeks, and yet the game's community is already deeply concerned about incoming review bomb efforts.

For those that might not be aware, review bombing is something that people with no friends like to do. They'll head to a website like Metacritic and work in packs to shower a game with unfairly low scores (usually 0s and 1s) over the pettiest things.

You might remember when The Last Of Us Part II was review bombed for killing off Joel. Or when the Dead Space remake was review bombed for including gender-neutral toilets. Review bombers are unhinged, and ironically drown out any valid criticisms more reasonable folk might actually have with a video game. I'd argue The Last Of Us Part II is way too long, for example, but nobody can hear that over the screams of the emotionally stunted crying over the death of a fictional man.

Take a look at Starfield in all its glory below!

Anyway, back to Starfield. As you might recall, Bethesda's upcoming open-world RPG was actually hit with a 0/10 back in June. We're not sure how, but one Metacritic user managed to leave a negative review complaining about the glitches they imagine will be in the game.

Oh, and just a few days later another user managed to leave another 0/10 complaining about the game's 30fps cap on consoles. Nerds everywhere.

A number of fans called this out months ago, of course. Over on Reddit one user asked whether or not they thought Starfield would be subject to a review bombing run.

The top response? "Starfield will get review bombed just for existing." Sad, but I fear based on the evidence we're already seeing, painfully accurate. Worse still, this knee-jerk hate will absolutely get in the way of genuine concerns and criticisms. Anyone who genuinely believes a video game can only be a 10/10 or a 0/10 probably shouldn't be allowed on the internet, but here we are.

Of course, as many have pointed out, everybody is still going to go out and buy Starfield no matter what. So I guess we just brace for the bombs and let the weirdos scream themselves to sleep.

Featured Image Credit: Bethesda

Topics: Starfield, Bethesda, Xbox