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Zelda: The Wind Waker Unreal Engine 5 remake is so gorgeous we could cry

Zelda: The Wind Waker Unreal Engine 5 remake is so gorgeous we could cry

This fan-made remake looks absolutely amazing

A fan-made The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker remake is currently in progress and it looks beautiful in a newly uploaded video showcasing it.

The project has everything that fans would expect from an Unreal Engine 5 version of a beloved GameCube title. There's better lighting, the cel-shaded nature of the game is kept intact, and there's some absolutely beautiful displays of how the lighting works with Cartoon Link's character model. People who are interested in seeing the progress of the remake can look at the official YouTube channel for the title.

PlayStation will soon launch an Until Dawn remake.

For years, a remastered version of Wind Waker has been rumoured. Around two years ago, known insider Jeff Grubb claimed to have heard about the remaster and that it was coming out in October of that year, stating that:

"They want to have a Zelda thing every year, they've been holding onto this, why wouldn't they just put it out this year, and if they don't put this out or some other Zelda thing this year, I just will not understand," Grubb said in his show, referring to a collection he's heard exists of both The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker and The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.

As players can see, these games haven't yet surfaced. If they are real, Nintendo is running out of time for the games to release on Nintendo Switch, with the release of the second iteration of the console likely coming sooner rather than later. If we're going to hear about it anywhere, it's going to be during the Nintendo direct that has already been officially confirmed as coming later this month, which is focused on games coming to the platform in the latter half of this year.

Featured Image Credit: Etan Solrac via YouTube, Nintendo

Topics: Nintendo Switch, The Legend Of Zelda, Unreal Engine, Nintendo