The lack of GTA VI news isn’t easily forgotten by the GTA community.
Still, while they long for further details about the upcoming title – due to launch this year – they’ll momentarily forgive Rockstar Games’ radio silence thanks to this surprise.
Before we get into details, Rockstar isn’t behind this unexpected “release”. That being said, it matters little when we can soak up the nostalgia that it undoubtedly delivers.
Yes, once again, our memories have us in a chokehold.
GTA III is playable on the SEGA Dreamcast.
See this dream come true in action below
Before you're tempted to do a double take, you read that correctly.
When GTA III was released, the Dreamcast was months away from being culled. However, thanks to the tireless work of one dedicated team, soon you’ll be able to play an experience we were previously denied.
During its initial development, GTA III was being designed for the Dreamcast, however, once it became clear that the console wasn’t going to survive, the devs shifted their attention to the PlayStation 2.
This Dreamcast GTA III port has been well received by fans, most of whom always knew the Dreamcast could handle the game.
With that smugness of being right comes the bitter sting of all the lost potential the console had.
“It's incredible to think that this hardware is from 1998, the programmers showed the world that DREAMCAST had a lot of underutilised potential, it was way ahead of its time,” commented YouTube user @Dreamcast_Nostalgia.
Fellow fan @unrealdevon added, “Dreamcast can do anything if coded the right way. The system is extremely versatile and well optimised.”
Gamers are so blown away with how well GTA III runs on this “under appreciated” console that they’re thinking about “firing up” theirs.
In the year of our lord 2025, we’ve finally got GTA III on Dreamcast. Moreover, it’s arrived before the release of GTA VI.
Launches happening before this highly anticipated title shouldn’t come as a surprise anymore, yet here we are, dumbfounded all the same.
Topics: GTA, Grand Theft Auto, GTA 6, Rockstar Games, Take-Two