A Tom Clancy’s The Divison player has tried to get back in touch with one of their old teammates, eventually finding out they’re currently in prison.
I’m sure we’ve all made an online video game friend at some point in our lives, either by complete accident or intentionally. So many online games require good communication and teamwork, meaning it’s generally helpful to hop on the mic and talk to who you’re playing with.
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What follows can be a beautiful friendship that could last a few weeks, years or an entire lifetime, provided you stay in touch of course. While you could build these bridges anywhere, tactical shooters tend to be where you’ll encounter them the most, like Ubisoft’s third-person shooter The Division, which is a game all about working with a squad to complete a series of objectives.
Now, one Division player has shared a recent story of them trying to get back in touch with one of their previous squadmates, whom they hadn’t spoken to for a while, only to be shocked when they discovered the reason why ... Reddit user duckduckbananas shared a post saying, “F in the chat. Looked up an old squadmate, just got this message a year later.” The message they received from the player said, “I’m sorry but James is in jail for I don’t know how long was set for 10 years can let him know you messaged.”
There’s no explanation for why they’re currently in prison, but with a hefty 10-year sentence it’s bound to be something pretty bad. Commenters couldn’t help but poke fun at the situation, and some even had their own stories of friends they’d made online ending up being criminals.
“I had this happen with a guy I use to play Payday with, oh the irony,” said one user. “He’s playin’ a whole different game now," added another.
Just goes to show that you really don’t know who you’re talking to online. They could be good fun to hang out with when they jump on the mic but a completely different person in their everyday lives.
Topics: Ubisoft