Where Fallout 5 will take us next is up for debate, with no end of speculation online suggesting the possible avenues the next game could explore.
However, as far as some fans are concerned, the ideal setting for the next Fallout instalment has already been discovered.
As detailed by QuicklyCat on r/Fallout, California is the logical next location for the series.
What is more, Amazon’s adaptation is paving the way for this to happen.
“I think the Fallout series is setting up California to be the setting for Fallout 5, and that this is the reason we are seeing what appears to be ‘the fall of the NCR’ being detailed in the show,” the OP explained.
Speaking of the show, we discuss where you should begin your journey with Fallout if you're new to the franchise
“I could imagine the devs looking at the almost completely rebuilt post-apocalyptic society, which the NCR had become, and thinking that it would be difficult to set a game in the territory [...] There needs to be some existential threat to this new nation.”
They go into greater detail than that, of course, but we’ll leave it for you to read at your leisure.
Despite r/Fallout not being totally unanimous in their agreement, there’s a lot of support for the OP’s theory in the comments section.
User RaccoonMusketeer said, “Ya know, I actually think this is possible. Knowing Bethesda, it'll probably be a bit shallow, but if they do a good story of a reeling weak state trying to recover after such a loss, it could be cool.”
“I'd also say a game with the fall of the NCR would open up lots of choices for the player, do they try to resolve the issues and help the NCR, do they work to reform their issues or do that side with factions against them?” commented Verdun3ishop.
Whether this location is being set up in the show is where the division in the fandom mainly lies.
Still, while they’re undecided on that particular point, it seems that they believe that California, and the fall of the NCR, would create the foundations of an excellent Fallout 5 experience.