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Xbox Boss Confirms His Most Anticipated Game Is PlayStation Exclusive

Xbox Boss Confirms His Most Anticipated Game Is PlayStation Exclusive

Xbox boss Phil Spencer has revealed his most anticipated game, which happens to be a PlayStation exclusive.

2018's God of War is one of PlayStation's biggest successes. As well as receiving universal acclaim from critics, and winning many game of the year awards, it sold over 5 million copies within a month and remains one of the best selling PS4 games of all time. Its release on PC earlier this year will have earned it many more fans, so it's no surprise that plenty of gamers are hotly anticipating the sequel, Ragnarok, coming out on November 9th.

It has also found a fan in one of the most unsuspecting places - the "competition", head of Xbox, and CEO of Microsoft Entertainment, Phil Spencer.

Check out this wacky Simpsons themed mod of God of War.

The Xbox boss revealed his most anticipated game in a tweet. In an answer to a fun little Q&A tweet from the official Xbox Twitter, he also disclosed a few of his other gaming opinions.

His first game was the classic Pong, the last one he played was Road 96, and his favourite of all time is the 1982 arcade shooter Robotron 2084. He also revealed that the game he plays the most, at that moment, is Forza Horizon 5: Hot wheels, and the first games he'd show to a caveman would be the musical puzzler franchise Lumines. Apparently the latter choice is due to its "perfect mix of mechanics, music, style and replayability." The official Xbox twitter seemed to respect that, by retweeting with the words "And on that day, the caveman also discovered bangers."

We feel it's refreshing to see people from the other side of the "console wars" supporting each other. There's no point publicly hiding what you feel is a brilliant game, just for the sake of keeping face for tech consumer competition. In fact, he's shunned the concept of "console wars" in the past. We hope to see more of this in the future, among gamers and devs as well as heads of companies.

Featured Image Credit: Dennis Cortes via Unsplash, Microsoft

Topics: Xbox, PlayStation, God Of War