Marvel has killed off Spider-Man. Again! But this latest death might just be the most heartbreaking of them all.
If you know Spider-Man at all, you'll know that poor old Peter Parker has felt the sweet embrace of death more times than most superheroes. He's been beaten to death a few times, of course. One time he was even been trapped in the decaying body of a mortal enemy and left to succumb to cancer. That one was rough. But this time Spidey has been completely wiped from existence. That'll be tough to come back from.
The beloved Marvel hero is currently dealing with his own multiverse crisis, teaming up with various Spidey variants (for like the tenth time now) to defeat a reality ending threat. However, in Spider-Man #3, that threat got the better of him. And it cost him everything.
A little background for my non-comic nerds: Peter was recently called on as the Chosen One of the multiverse. In other words, the Spidey we all know and love is the Spidey. All the other variants simply revolve around him.
Unfortunately, members of this multiversal Spider-Fam are being transformed into monsters and tearing one another apart. And you'll never guess who the only person that can stop the madness is?
Stepping into the fray, Peter ends up in a battle with a monstrous Spider-Gwen, who gains the upper hand and stabs him with an otherworldly dagger that quite literally erases him from existence. But it's Peter's final words that really sting.
As our hero begins to fade away, his final thoughts are with the people he saved over the years. "Will they be okay?" he asks, before disappearing for good.
Well, I say "for good". Nothing ever sticks in comic books, and I suspect that this particular death will be Spider-Man's shortest-lived yet. But I guess we'll have to wait and see, yeah? Yeah.
Topics: Spider Man, Marvel, TV And Film