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Leaked Lunar Shift Xbox Controller "Changes Colour" Using Light

Leaked Lunar Shift Xbox Controller "Changes Colour" Using Light

One user has spotted a brand new Lunar Shift Xbox controller listed for sale on Amazon.

There's certainly a hunger for new Xbox hardware. Last week, we all got very excited over the fact that a Logitech advert seemed to tease the imminent release of a white Xbox Series X. Unfortunately, Xbox have since confirmed that we won’t in fact be able to get our hands on such a thing. I’m sorry to say, it was just a prop. That being said, it does look like a new Xbox controller is on the way - and it’s got a very snazzy feature.

Speaking of Xbox, are you excited for Starfield? Take a look at some gameplay below.

As reported by VGC, Twitter user EspiaDeOfertas has spotted a Lunar Shift controller listed on Amazon. The user wrote, “I think I just found an Xbox controller on Amazon that Microsoft hasn’t announced yet. Correct me if I’m wrong.” I’ve certainly never seen it before.

What’s very cool about this controller is that it appears to have a metallic effect. According to the packaging, the silvery controller has a “surreal shimmer” and will “change colour with light and motion.” The textured grips reportedly feature a “unique colour swirl design.”

At the time of writing, Xbox have not yet verified the controller so do take this all with a pinch of salt. That being said, it wouldn’t be the first time an Xbox controller has leaked online.

Featured Image Credit: Billy Freeman, Javier Martinez via Unsplash

Topics: Xbox