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Konami employee charged with attempted murder for attacking boss with fire extinguisher

Konami employee charged with attempted murder for attacking boss with fire extinguisher

A Konami employee has allegedly been charged with attempted murder after attacking their boss with a fire extinguisher.

A Konami employee has been charged with attempted murder for allegedly attacking their boss with a fire extinguisher, reportedly following on from allegations of workplace harassment originally lodged by the suspect back in 2020.

As reported by Japanese publication Asahi Shimbun Digital (Via Push Square), the employee has been charged with attempted murder after they approached their boss “with the intention of killing him” using the fire extinguisher. It’s believed that the suspect raised concerns surrounding workplace harassment in 2020, although details on this are still developing at this stage.

Neither the suspect nor the victim have been named at the time of writing. Shortly after the attack, it’s believed that the suspect may have been apprehended by a fellow employee. Reports claim that the alleged attacker was then handed over to local authorities where they were then charged with attempted murder. The victim’s current wellbeing status also remains unknown at the time of writing.

The attack is thought to have happened at around 11AM local time. Konami’s head office is located in Tokyo, Japan. The only information released about the suspect is that it is a 41-year-old male. It’s understood that the suspect hasn’t worked with his former boss since the harassment complaint was lodged back in 2020. The Gamer claims that the suspect continued to work at Konami but in another department.

The suspect is now being held at Tsukiji Police Station. It’s believed that his former boss suffered a head injury during the attack, but the extent of this remains unknown.

Konami is yet to publicly comment on the matter.

Featured Image Credit: Erik Mclean via Unsplash, Konami

Topics: Konami