No one seems to be quite sure of what’s happening in the DCU right now. It was recently reported that Wonder Woman 3 is “considered dead in its current incarnation”, and that Aquaman star Jason Momoa will be cast as a different character in the DCU after Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom releases. This information hasn’t been officially confirmed at this point, however.
A lot is seemingly going on behind the scenes, it seems, but James Gunn (AKA the Kevin Feige of DC) has now given an update on Superman’s future that’s sure to be reassuring for fans. As reported by Variety, Gunn has been responding to concerns on Twitter and outlining the future of the DCU.
Check out the trailer for the latest DCEU movie, Black Adam, below.
First thing’s first, Superman is absolutely making a return. Responding to one user who asked if “we are gonna see a Superman,, Gunn replied: “Yes of course. Superman is a huge priority, if not the biggest priority.” In a different thread, he also clarified that claims he “does not like Henry Cavill” are simply “false.”
In his own Twitter thread, Gunn elaborated further on the current situation at DC Studios: “Peter [Safran] and I chose to helm DC Studios knowing we were coming into a fractious environment, both in the stories being told and in the audience itself and there would be an unavoidable transitional period as we moved into telling a cohesive story across film, TV, animation, and gaming,” he wrote. “But, in the end, the drawbacks of that transitional period were dwarfed by the creative possibilities and the opportunity to build upon what has worked in DC so far and to help rectify what has not.
“We know we are not going to make every single person happy every step of the way, but we can promise everything we do is done in the service of the story and in the service of the DC characters we know you cherish and we have cherished our whole lives,” he continued. “As for more answers about the future of the DCU, I will sadly have to ask you to wait. We are giving these characters and the stories the time and attention they deserve and we ourselves still have a lot more questions to ask and answer.”
Topics: Superman, DC, TV And Film