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Hogwarts Legacy players are only just finding an ultra-rare open-world event

Hogwarts Legacy players are only just finding an ultra-rare open-world event

Hogwarts Legacy players have discovered an awesome, ultra-rare open-world event.

Hogwarts Legacy players are only just finding an ultra-rare open-world event and holy cow, has it sparked excitement from fans!

Now, before we proceed, the video shared on Reddit will contain somewhat of a spoiler. That being said, it’s not related to the story or any side quest (at least as far as we’re aware). It’s a seemingly random in-game event, but a cool one nonetheless.

“So I'm level 36 (35 at the time of recording) and have never seen one of *these* in-game yet..,” posted Redditor, smogtownthrowaway.

“I have finished the game 130 hours and never seen that in my game,” exclaimed xosdr “I haven't seen one in that fashion but I see one on the map all the time. That needs to be an actual encounter,” replied AngryCandyCorn.

“WOAH! HE STOLE THAT GUY'S PIZZA!,” said RobinFromGrimoire, making a reference to Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man 2. “OMG I WOULD HAVE LOVED TO SEEN THAT HAPPEN,” said an excited emoneybags412.

“What I find strange is that you're just flying, living your life, and suddenly feel the urge to land and flip a random cow. How does this thought process occur in your mind?” added a somewhat puzzled Alpha-Vader1.

No doubt there are plenty more secrets waiting to be discovered in the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Speaking of which, following the launch of the game a player seemingly discovered Basilisk exploring the Slytherin common room. This mythical, yet deadly creature rarely leaves the Chamber of Secrets, but what could this mean?

In other Hogwarts Legacy news, the PS4 and Xbox One versions have been delayed even further and fans have been roasting the game following the disappointing news.

Hogwarts Legacy is out now for PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S. It will then release for PS4 and Xbox One on 5 May 2023, followed by the Nintendo Switch on 25 July.

Featured Image Credit: WB Games/Avalanche Software

Topics: Hogwarts Legacy, Harry Potter, Warner Bros