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Hogwarts Legacy free download leaves fans seriously annoyed

Hogwarts Legacy free download leaves fans seriously annoyed

Get your hands on Hogwarts Legacy right now for free, for a very limited time

There's a very good chance you've overheard people talking about a little game called Hogwarts Legacy at some point this year.

The recently released Harry Potter RPG looks all set to the be the biggest (although certainly not the best) video game of 2023, having comfortably sold a gazillion copies in its first ten minutes. But, you might well be asking yourself: do I care enough to check the game out and actually play it? After all, video games are expensive these days, and we can't all be blowing our hard-earned cash on stinkers.

Check out one of the stranger Hogwarts Legacy Easter eggs below!

The good news is that PlayStation users can get a feel for Hogwarts Legacy now via a free trial period - although this does come with some substantial caveats

As pointed out over on the PlayStation Plus subreddit, Hogwarts Legacy has been added to the service's Game Trials feature. For those who might not be aware, Game Trials are available for PlayStation Plus Premium subscribers, effectively giving them the chance to go hands-on with certain releases before they commit to buying them. Is that something everyone should have access to? Probably, yeah. But here we are.

Anyway, Hogwarts Legacy has now been added to this scheme. Unfortunately, everyone seems to agree that it's not really worth it - which is really saying something for a free download.

While all of the timed demos available via PS Plus Premium are fairly short, users have bristled at the idea of having just 45 minutes to make your mind up on Hogwarts Legacy. That just barely covers the opening sequence, and unless you absolutely blast your way through it I'm not even sure you'll make it to Hogwarts in that time.

Still, if you're really keen to try out Hogwarts Legacy and have a PS Plus Premium subscription in your back pocket, you might as well give it a quick blast.

Featured Image Credit: Warner Bros

Topics: Hogwarts Legacy, PlayStation, Playstation Plus, Warner Bros