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This Gaming PC Made From A Toilet Is Utterly Cursed

This Gaming PC Made From A Toilet Is Utterly Cursed

One YouTuber has constructed a functional PC within a toilet (which, yes, also still works), so you'll never have to stop gaming again.

You know, sometimes, just because you can do something, it doesn’t mean you should. This is perhaps advice that one YouTuber should have taken before deciding to turn a literal toilet into a gaming PC, but here we are.

No, really, this is actually a thing that’s now been done, because nothing is sacred. As reported by Eurogamer, Basically Homeless took it upon themselves to learn how to cut into ceramic, plumb, and use a lot of glue to make this pipe dream (hah) become a reality.

Before we get into it, take a look at this incredible gaming PC, which was built inside a fish tank. Not a toilet.

In a recent video posted to their channel, the YouTuber goes through the entire construction process, from installing the PC parts, cutting a window into the front of the tank so that you can see them, and building a “water wall” (like a weird Oasis parody) to separate them from the (still functioning) toilet parts, all while avoiding drenching hundreds of dollars worth of tech in toilet water.

The project wasn’t without its disasters - at one point, Basically Homeless discovered that their water wall had a problem. Namely, it was leaking - defeating its sole purpose of keeping the PC dry. Thankfully, everything was undamaged, and with a generous coating of Flex Seal, the wall was reinforced, and became stronger than ever.

In the end, the final project was pretty spectacular. Facing the toilet is a monitor mounted on the wall, along with a collapsible desk for a mousepad, and obviously, the whole PC setup is contained within the toilet tank. 

“I know more about plumbing than I ever thought I would plus I never have to stop gaming ever[,] I can just sit there and go potty whilst gaming,” the YouTuber wrote in the video description. 

Admittedly, the construction of the whole thing was very clever, but I just hope that the PC’s fan is powerful enough to keep things cool - no one wants to sit on a warm seat. 

Featured Image Credit: Basically Homeless via YouTube

Topics: PC, Youtube