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'Resident Evil 3' But It's Shrek And You're In His Swamp

'Resident Evil 3' But It's Shrek And You're In His Swamp

They think it's all ogre. It is now.

Ewan Moore

Ewan Moore

Capcom's remake of Resident Evil 3 is a game of many unique terrors. Zombies. Hulking mutant assassins. Giant insects. But all of these threats pale in comparison the arrival of a certain green ogre hell-bent on making sure Jill Valentine never sets foot in his swamp (AKA Raccoon City) again.

Yep, it was only a matter of time. A modder has swapped out Nemesis for Shrek and it's somehow way more scary. I've argued before that Capcom maybe tried too hard to make Nemesis look scary in Resident Evil 3, so maybe it's not all that shocking that I find Shrek more unsettling. The ogre emanates menace without trying, whereas Nemesis was the visual definition of "overkill".

Or maybe I'm just a massive idiot. Check out the mod in action for yourself below. As first spotted by PC Gamer, the Shrek Over Nemesis mod is the impressive work of MrMarco1003. I only wish that 'All Star' played every time he showed up to chase Jill. Perhaps that's something that can be added in later.

If you want to step into a Swamp Of Pain and check this mod out for yourself, you can download it for PC right here. I mean, who hasn't wanted to gun down Shrek as he approaches you with murderous intent at some point in their lives? I know I have.

It's definitely nice to see modders continuing the grand tradition of replacing the main threat in the game with something ridiculous. Mr X from Resident Evil 2 was replaced by everything from Thomas The Tank Engine and Donald Trump to... Mr X in saucy speedos. It was a glorious time to be alive.

One of my personal favourite mods in Resi 2 was definitely the one that put Pennywise The Dancing Clown in the game in terrifying fashion. Watching that twisted monster come stomping out of the gloom towards you still sends shivers down my spine, and kind of makes me happy we don't have an IT video game yet. Definitely wouldn't be able to handle that.

Other Resident Evil 3 mods so far include a very interesting little number that basically turns the game into the Dino Crisis remake we're all craving. The Dino Evil 3 mod replaces all zombies with dinosaurs, turning the game into a full-on Jurassic nightmare. It's almost as scary as the Shrek mod - albeit for very different reasons.

Featured Image Credit: Capcom

Topics: Capcom, Resident Evil 3