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'Jurassic Park 3' Almost Had Raptors Riding Dirt Bikes

'Jurassic Park 3' Almost Had Raptors Riding Dirt Bikes

"For some reason, it didn’t make it in".

Imogen Mellor

Imogen Mellor

We're not sure how to out-do the headline on this one. Yes, Jurassic Park 3 very nearly contained a scene where velociraptors would take control of, and ride, dirt bikes. I think it's very well time that we got a new cut of the film with that added in, don't you? I mean how dare the team exclude such an important section of the film?

This new detail comes from the Stuck On Sorna podcast (reported by CBR) where JP3 storyboard artist David Lowery takes us through his work on the film, including a deleted section. As one of the characters tries to escape via a cliff, they ride towards the sheer drop on a dirt bike but a raptor closes in. To escape, he pulls the cord on his parachute, lifting him away from the bike but a raptor accidentally lands on the bike as it goes to bite him.

Suddenly, the raptor is now driving the vehicle and cruises off of the cliff. Brilliant. Simply perfect as a scene goes, don't you think? You can listen to Lowery tell you the story himself via the tweet below.

Though Lowery jokes that "for some reason, it didn't make it in", years later you might recall that this scene did sort of make it to a Jurassic film. In 2015's Jurassic World starring Chris Pratt, there is a particularly memorable moment where Pratt is riding a motorbike flanked either side by velociraptors honouring the original idea.

We're still sad we didn't get to see the original in Jurassic Park 3 but happy that we can finally indulge ourselves in seeing the storyboard that almost made it happen. You can listen to the full podcast that celebrates the 20th anniversary of Jurassic Park 3 here.

Featured Image Credit: Universal

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