It's that time of the week, folks - the Epic Games Store have announced next week's free games. Will they be stellar choices, pure garbage, or just the sort of "eh" titles that aren't insultingly bad, but aren't worth your time in the slightest? That's for you to decide - I'm just here to tell you what they are.
Starting 31 March, you'll be able to pick up the first-person action adventure title City of Brass, in which "you'll lash and slash, bait and trap your way to the heart of an opulent, Arabian Nights-themed metropolis". It was also made by some senior BioShock developers, so if you're a fan of that series, this one might be worth a pop.
Don't just take my word for it, check out the trailer for City of Brass below.
Not only that, but Creative Assembly's critically acclaimed Total War: WARHAMMER will also be available - this will normally set you back by £39.99, so it's a pretty great deal. The game's description promises "hundreds of hours of gameplay", with turn-based strategy and real-time tactical battles, so if that's your thing, don't miss out.
As usual, all you need to download and keep these titles is an Epic Games Store account - you can claim them until 7 April, when the next lot of freebies will become available. These two will replace Demon's Tilt, which is a pinball game with hack 'n' slash elements. I'll be honest, I have absolutely no idea how that works, but if you wanna find out for yourself, you have until 31 March to get it for free.
If that wasn't enough for you, we're quickly approaching the start of next month, which of course means the addition of new "free" games to PlayStation Plus. You may remember that last April was pretty amazing for subscribers, with the lineup of Days Gone and Oddworld: Soulstorm. However, many gamers have been quite wary of what we're going to get this time around - recent months' pickings have been really heavily criticised. Some believe this could be due to Sony putting their focus on the rumoured PS Plus overhaul, but either way, we should be finding out April's titles soon enough, so stay tuned for that.
Featured Image Credit: Uppercut Games, Epic GamesTopics: epic games, Epic Games store, free games