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Thirsty, Heathen Gamers Think They Can See Ryu's Penis In 'Street Fighter 6' Trailer
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Thirsty, Heathen Gamers Think They Can See Ryu's Penis In 'Street Fighter 6' Trailer

The trailer for Street Fighter 6 was dropped earlier this week, and fans have been quick to spot a not-so-little detail below Ryu's belt.

So, earlier this week, Capcom announced that Street Fighter 6 is on the way, and fans understandably haven’t shut up about it since. The thing is though, most of the talk hasn’t really been about the game itself, but more-so the visual details from the teaser. As you’ll have already surmised from the headline, yeah, they’re being thorough, to say the least.

Let’s get straight to the point, people think you can see Ryu’s dick in the trailer. Well, to be more specific, the outline of it from through his iconic white gi. Look, reader, you clicked on the story. You decided to be here. It’s not my fault that you’re reading these words.

In case you missed it, check out the trailer for Street Fighter 6 below, complete with Ryu's remarkably well-pronounced dick bulge.

As reported by Kotaku, the moment people are referring to is admittedly brief (unfortunately, or thankfully, depending on your stance here) but here’s a handy screenshot for, uh, research. I’d say that it’s fairly smack-you-in-the-face obvious, but that doesn’t quite seem like the most appropriate phrase to use here. 

Yup, that's a dick bulge /

This could, of course, be a rather unfortunate shadow placement on Ryu’s clothing, but I’m not going to lie, it really doesn’t look like that’s the case, does it? I’m not saying you should take a moment here to zoom in on his crotch, but if you did, I’m not going to blame you for trying to come to an educated conclusion about the matter. You gotta do what you gotta do.

Over on Twitter, fans have been going predictably feral: “Street Fighter 6 will push the graphical standard of all fighting games after it when everyone sees Ryu's dick physics swinging perfectly,” wrote @LoveSean_. “Since Ryu has [noticeable] dick bulge in Street Fighter 6, I hope Ken doesn't. I want Ryu to canonically have a bigger dick than Ken,” tweeted @Coldbinch.

There’s currently no gameplay footage for Street Fighter 6, or any release window for that matter, so we’ll have to hold on for that. Given that it’s been three days since the announcement and people are already descending into crotch-staring chaos, it looks like we’re going to have quite a wait ahead of us. Godspeed, Capcom.

Featured Image Credit: Nintendo, Capcom

Topics: Capcom