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This ‘Elden Ring’ Anti-Invader Ambush Trap Is Absolutely Brutal

This ‘Elden Ring’ Anti-Invader Ambush Trap Is Absolutely Brutal

One Elden Ring player has come up with the perfect way to deal with invaders - they don't stand a chance.

Almost six weeks since its release, I’m sure you don’t need me to tell you that Elden Ring is just a little bit tricky. I think we’ve all got the memo on that by now. Whether it’s the lethal optional Malenia boss fight or the big boy Elden Beast itself, it’s fair to assume that FromSoftware was probably aiming to make every turn of this meaty adventure as challenging as they possibly could. The result? Broken controllers and the unadulterated love of gamers everywhere. We’re an odd bunch.

Anyway, it’s not just the in-game enemies that people have to worry about - troublesome invaders can end up causing just as many problems when they come marching in to find some easy prey in the form of fellow players. Luckily though, there’s a lot of clever ways to deal with them, and one person has come up with the perfect trap to quickly dispatch anyone coming into your game looking for blood.

This trap is perfect for stopping any Elden Ring invader right in their tracks - check it out below.

Pretty cool, right? In case it all happened a bit fast, one of the players was using the Mimic’s Veil tool to disguise themselves as a bush, hence their perfect camouflage. You can find it in Stormveil Castle, and since it’s a tool, you can reuse it as many times as you want (albeit with a cost of six FP every time you want to become one with nature).

There’s plenty of other ways to deal with opposing players, too - if you’re looking to become the danger yourself, rather than adopt a more defensive strategy, then there’s perhaps no better option than becoming a mech. Yes, really. Another very creative player discovered that with the combination of some handy consumable items, and one immensely powerful incantation, you can turn your Tarnished’s body to steel and go round spewing flames from your eyeballs. Fun! As you’d imagine, it’s very effective. Send my apologies to your poor friends if you plan on adopting that one.

Featured Image Credit: Fox / 20th Television, FromSoftware, Bandai Namco

Topics: Elden Ring, Fromsoftware, Bandai Namco