My word. Marvel dropped the second trailer for Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness dropped last night during the Super Bowl, and I think it's safe to say none of us were quite prepared for what we got.
If you thought Tom Holland teaming up with Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire in Spider-Man: No Way Home was as ambitious as Marvel is going to get in Phase Four, you might want to think again. Doctor Strange's new adventure looks to be filled to the brim with huge cameos and unexpected crossovers, including what appears to be the arrival of one of the most important teams in the Marvel Multiverse.
Take a look at the trailer below!
One of the biggest moments in the trailer is undoubtedly what looks to be the return of none other than Patrick Stewart, reprising his role as Professor X!
Stewart played the founder of the X-Men in the original Fox movies, and last appeared as the character in 2017's Logan. While we don't see his face, it's undoubtedly the prof who tells a bound Strange that he needs to hear "the truth" - but that's not even the most exciting part of it: Professor X isn't alone.
If you've read a Marvel comic in the last few decades, you'll probably be familiar with The Illuminati. This is a super-secret group of heroes who were originally formed by Tony Stark in an effort to get ahead of the Marvel universes' increasingly world-altering emergencies. The group's lineup has changed over the years, but most often consists of Stark, Professor X, Reed Richards, Doctor Strange, Black Panther, and Namor (the king of Atlantis)
As you can see in the trailer just before we hear Professor X speak, Strange is being taken (by Ultron droids) to a futuristic-looking chamber to meet with... who, exactly? The fans believe it's a multiversal Illuminati, and it's hard to argue when you consider the facts.
The Ultron droids obviously hint at a version of Stark that was able to successfully reprogram Ultron without him becoming a murderous AI, and it's clear Professor X is in the mix. But who else is there? It's hard to tell, but a few fans believe that one of the figures sat in front of Strange is wearing a Fantastic Four suit. There have been rumours that a version of Reed Richards will show up in Doctor Strange before the group gets its own movie. This certainly supports that theory.
There are, I believe, plenty more secrets waiting to be pulled out of this latest Doctor Strange trailer. It'll certainly be interesting to see how wild fans let their imaginations run between now and the movie's May 6 release date. But if No Way Home proved anything, it's that all bets are off now Marvel has opened up the Multiverse.
Topics: Marvel, Spider Man