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EA will only remake Dead Space 2 and 3 under one condition

EA will only remake Dead Space 2 and 3 under one condition

Eyes peeled, please.

The Dead Space remake was met with raucous reviews, showing that Motive Studio has sorted the formula for returning to a classic and turning it into an exceptional modern take on the original. So, what's stopping them from starting work on the second and third games?

When I say "exceptional," by the way, I mean it. Adam Sandler hasn't stressed me out this much since Uncut Gems. That's a very niche observation that actor Gunnar Wright, who lends his voice and face to Isaac Clarke in the Dead Space remake, looks a bit like Sandler. But I will crowbar it in anyway. Things are significantly different in the new Dead Space, and not only on a superficial visual level, such as the alternate ending and fully fleshed out zero-G missions.

Moreover, there's that immersive one shot approach to cutscenes and gameplay, giving you no respite from the onslaught of terrors that Clarke must suffer to get to his girlfriend Nicole. Playing on the PlayStation 5, the haptics and triggers for the game anchored me in that experience, as well as the frightening audio and soundtrack.

Feast your eyes on the game's massive improvements below:

All of this sounds like a bad time, I appreciate that, however I and I imagine plenty of other players would give their right arm to see the developer round their efforts out to the trilogy. In the remake, text logs set the scene for the setting of the second game, though these are only viewable in a new game plus playthrough. While this might be a nice nod to Dead Space 2, as the remake connects all three together in a myriad of references, it looks like EA is toying with the idea.

Per this tweet from developer Dillon Rogers, the publisher is asking if fans would play a similar remake of Dead Space 2 and 3. Not much room for interpretation there:

Still, as interesting as this is, we shouldn't hold EA to the survey. Publishers send these sorts of things out to their customers all of the time and sometimes nothing arises out of these questions. It's worth replying though, if you have been converted by Motive Studios' skill for scares.

Featured Image Credit: EA

Topics: Dead Space, EA

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