We say it a lot here at GAMINGbible, but Brendan Fraser really is one of the good ones.
Growing up with classics like The Mummy and George Of The Jungle, Fraser was one of the most prominent faces of our childhood. Charming, witty, and inherently decent. Everything a movie star should be. And then he went off the grid for several years.
During a recent Q&A at Megacon, one fan asked Fraser about his return to acting. His response was pretty emotional, as you can see below:
As you may know, Fraser alleged in 2018 that he had been sexually assaulted by Hollywood executive Philp Berk back in 2003. This, along with a divorce and the death of his mother, had a huge impact on the actor's mental and physical health. In interviews since, he's admitted that his health issues, along with any attempts to call out Berk, contributed to a backlash that led him to be shunned from Hollywood.
Over the past couple of years, however, Fraser has been on a undeniably strong comeback trail and has landed some killer roles. Fans old and new have been celebrating with him every step of the way - something the man himself has a deep appreciation for.
As part of the Q&A, one fan kicked off by praising Fraser for his bravery in speaking out.
"First of all, I just wanna say thank you for sharing your stories," they start. "I know many people, including myself are survivors, and seeing you talk about it has been one of the most inspirational things I've seen in my life."
Fraser is visibly touched as the crowd erupts into applause, before the fan continues: "During your kind of renaissance, was there a particular moment where you knew you made the right decision to come back?"
The actor takes a few seconds to answer, seemingly weighing up what is undoubtedly a tough question.
"I didn't mean to make you cry, I'm sorry," the fan offers, before Fraser finally gives a beautiful answer.
"Are you ready for this? It was when I got that horse," the actor says. "Who I'm sad to say has gone on to greener pastures, but I learned a great deal."
Fraser is likely referring to Pecas, who he met while working on the History channel series Texas Rising. The actor bonded with the animal, and ultimately took him back with him to his farm.
"Without doing too much—what's the word? Anthropomorphic…anthropomorphizing… Without pretending that the animal is a human, he looked like he needed help. Like: 'Get me out of here, man'," Fraser previously recalled of Peca in an excellent GQ interview.
We're sorry to hear Pecas has since moved on from this world, but infinitely glad he was able to help Fraser get to where he is today.
Topics: TV And Film