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One of Steam’s creepiest 10/10 games is free to download right now

One of Steam’s creepiest 10/10 games is free to download right now

Don't think, just get it

One of the creepiest games available on Steam is currently free to download and play for PlayStation Plus subscribers, and I can’t recommend it enough. But I’m in a tricky situation.

See, while I’d usually recommend a game by telling you as much as I can about it, this particular PlayStation Plus free game is best experienced with as little prior knowledge as possible. That’s why it’s a 10/10 on Steam - because it’s literally unlike anything you’ve ever played, or will ever play again.

Honestly I probably wouldn't even watch the trailer, but it's below if you really feel you need to:

I’m talking about Inscryption, a deeply disturbing - yet thoroughly engaging - odyssey into the darkest corners of obsession. It’s a game that’s equal parts deckbuilding roguelike, escape room puzzle adventure, and interactive Blair Witch. And honestly, even that doesn’t come close to doing what this game really is justice.

I first played Inscryption when it launched on Steam back in 2021 after a friend raved about it to me, although he also wisely declined to really get into specifics of what to expect from the game. This was, I soon discovered, the best possible move - even it does mean those of us who have played it sound like we’re in some kind of cult when we get together and an outsider asks us what game we’re talking about.

Now that this work of genius (and I don’t use that word lightly, but that’s what it is) is available for free for PlayStation Plus Extra subscribers, I had to take my chance to tell as many of you as possible: you have to play this game. If you’re tired of the same old open world formulas and first-person shooters; if you’re looking for a reminder of what video games can be, the boundaries they can push, and the kinds of stories only they can tell, then Inscryption is the game for you.

Don’t think. Don’t look it up. Just head to the PlayStation store now and download it. You can thank me, or curse my name, later.

Featured Image Credit: Valve

Topics: Steam, Playstation Plus, Free Games