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Spirit City: Lofi Sessions Review – Charming gamified productivity
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Spirit City: Lofi Sessions Review – Charming gamified productivity

Take the world at your own pace

Spirit City: Lofi Sessions is a game I didn’t realise I needed. Yet, now I’ve got it, I never want to let it go.

I am, by my own admission, (dis)organised chaos. Although I intend to plan my schedule, I fail more times than not; I then get overwhelmed, have a meltdown, before repeating the process all over again.

To say it’s stressful for me to remain organised is a monumental understatement. So, when I saw the cute and colourful imagery of Spirit City: Lofi Sessions appear on my Twitter feed, I was intrigued.

Granted, my primary focus was on collecting adorable creatures, followed closely by the customisation of your character and living space. Lofi music was an added bonus, but I came for the creatures first and foremost.

They’re still one of the main selling points for me. However, I’d be remiss not admit my surprise at how much I enjoy using the game as a means to stay focused. I appreciate that’s part of its original intention, yet I never expected it to work for me.

Cosy vibes while you stay on task in Spirit City: Lofi Sessions

I won’t pretend I’m utilising Spirit City: Lofi Sessions to the fullest of its productivity capabilities, especially since I’m playing it on my Steam Deck. Nonetheless, what I get out of it is more than enough for me to rate this game exceptionally high given its lack of actual gaming.

Despite its cosy charm, and all it offers, there's a rigidity to its application: it’s very much an experience linked to your main hardware of choice. If you’re a PC gamer and worker, that’s fantastic – this is ideal for you.

But for those of us who work on Macs and/or use a Steam Deck, the productivity optimisation lessens because Spirit City isn’t intrinsically linked to what you’re doing. It remains separate; while still highly valuable and entertaining, it does lose some of its appeal because of that fact.

Instead of having the game chilling in the background on my Mac whilst I work, I have to prop my Steam Deck on my desk (no, I don’t have a dock) and play it that way instead. Surprisingly, it’s still a charming experience, but I wish – and hope – it eventually becomes accessible for everyone, not just PC gamers.

What I’d also like to see from this idle game, is more options for customisation. The initial selection is more than ample, don’t get me wrong, but you soon power through them all if you save up your Spirit Credits to purchase new ones. Given how much scope the game has, particularly in terms of its longevity, it seems fair to assume the developers will add more customisation as the game ages.

Mooncube Games

The spirits you collect are a large part of said customisation process as well, so I hope those too will increase in number later down the line. Nonetheless, the ones already available are varied enough for now, especially because of how long it can take to “lure” them.

If you’re someone who likes fast-paced, immediate gratification, this Steam game isn’t for you. This is about sitting back and taking your time; stop and appreciate the world around you, not grind yourself into paste. Patience is more than a virtue here, it’s a way of life.

I appreciate that enforced relaxation because, even in cosy games, I can get too obsessed with needing to do certain things. For example, in Stardew Valley I start to worry I’m not utilising my time well enough to make the most money – it’s why I wrote about it actually still contributing to the grind mentality.

Spirit City: Lofi Sessions could be life changing for you, and I say that with the utmost sincerity. I don’t think it’s been that impactful for me, and yet I find myself constantly keeping my Steam Deck battery full so I can have it tinkling its beautiful soundtrack and SFX in the background. The whisper of the wind against the pane; the rhythmic clack of the keyboard; the deep rumble of thunder – all of those effects bring a vivacious tangibility to the game.

Being able to watch my character nestled in a beanbag by a crackling fire, the static softly hissing from a vinyl spinning in the background while they knit is *chef’s kiss*. That will always be a winning combination for my cosy-at-heart soul. The life that’s depicted in Spirit City: Lofi Sessions is the one I want, and right now, the game is the only way I can (momentarily) realise that wish.

Pros: Adorable creatures to collect, soothing lofi tunes, and personalised customisation

Cons: Too slow paced for some, only on PC (for now), and needs more customisation opportunities

For fans of: Unpacking, Cozy Grove, A Little to the Left

8/10: Excellent

Spirit City: Lofi Sessions is available on Steam (version reviewed). Code for review was supplied by the publisher. Find a complete guide to GAMINGbible's review scores here.

Featured Image Credit: Mooncube Games

Topics: Indie Games, Steam, PC, Valve, Microsoft