The Batman's lengthy runtime has been confirmed, and it looks like you're going to need to either take a massive leak right before the film starts, or be prepared to hold it in for the duration.
According to a recently discovered listing for the upcoming DC movie at the IMAX Melbourne website, The Batman boasts a whopping 176-minute runtime. That's 2 hours and 56 minutes, in other words, which means we can expect nearly three hours of Batman brooding, punching people, and occasionally flirting with Catwoman. I'll leave it to you to decide whether that's good or not.
Take a look at The Batman in action below!
This certainly tracks with what we'd previously heard about the film. Early test screenings suggested The Batman is a three hour-long noir thriller, in which Robert Pattinson's Batman desperately attempts to follow a series of grisly clues in pursuit of a serial killer known only as the Riddler (Paul Dano).
176 minutes makes The Batman the longest Batman movie by some stretch, by the way. For comparison, The Dark Knight was 152 minutes, which means The Batman is nearly 30 minutes longer. What does it intend to do with that extra half hour? I have no idea, but I'm excited to find out.
But while The Batman is definitely up there among the longest superhero movies, it doesn't quite take the top spot. Avengers Endgame just about beats the caped crusader with a whopping 182 minute runtime. Does anyone else remember when superhero movies were happy clocking in at under two hours? I do. It was a simpler time.
The Batman arrives in cinemas March 4. You have until then to strengthen your bladders, or just order some adult diapers if that's easier. There's absolutely no shame in it.
Featured Image Credit: Warner Bros.Topics: Batman, Warner Bros, DC