Treadmills. Vapes. A Tifforun brand fleshlight. What do all three of these things have in common? Other than being a direct cause of shortness of breath, all three of these examples can all run the original 1993 version of DOOM.
Aaron Christophel is the man responsible for this abomination, which he's aptly named the "Dong DOOM". Christophel's YouTube channel usually focuses on product unboxing, teardowns and hacking, but his recent content has got somewhat out of hand (or maybe into hand?) with the release of his latest sensual sensation.
Considering this latest video is hot off the back of Christophel getting DOOM to run on a Planck Mini toothbrush, the "DOOM jacker" hasn't come out of nowhere. Perhaps he took people going "nuts" over his previous DOOM port to heart.
The Tifforun fleshlight was assumedly chosen for this project because, unlike the majority of other sex toys on the market, this specific product features an LCD screen. Gotta be a nightmare getting the finger smudges off of that bad boy.
As Christophel demonstrates, you can even listen to DOOM's soundtrack by plugging a pair of headphones into the Tifforun fleshlights USB-C port. Pretty handy that you'll still be able to hear the demons coming, even if you won't be able to hear yourself doing the same.
Killing an enemy will also trigger the Tifforun's "haptic feedback", ensuring immaculate vibes throughout the course of your playthrough. Unfortunately there's currently no news on whether or not Christophel plans to bring online multiplayer support to the device, but hopefully friends will be able to benefit from an update in the future.
Those of you unfamiliar with the art of porting DOOM to anything with a screen may want to peruse the subrubbit-- sorry, subreddit -- r/itrunsdoom. The original 1993 DOOM was made open-source under a not-for-profit licence back in 1997, which spawned a bit of a running joke amongst would-be programmers who are keen to show off and practice their skills.
Let's hope the Tifforun port doesn't rub off on the rest of the DOOM community though.
Topics: Doom