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'Hogwarts Legacy' Release Date Is Way Closer Than Expected, Insider Says

'Hogwarts Legacy' Release Date Is Way Closer Than Expected, Insider Says

Just a few months to go, apparently...

It's looking more and more certain that 2022 is the year of Hogwarts Legacy.

The Harry Potter RPG was originally announced in 2020, with a vague release window of 2021. But as time went on, it became clearer that the team would need more time to realize its vision, and the game was ultimately delayed 2022.

Take a look at that original 2020 reveal trailer below!

While an official release date has yet to be announced (meaning there's every chance Hogwarts Legacy could yet be delayed into 2023), it's believed that we will most likely get our hands on the game this year. In fact, some eagle-eyed insiders have suggested it could be arriving much sooner than expected.

According to notable leaker and Twitter user AccountNGT, Hogwarts Legacy developer Avalanche Software is currently hiring for a Localization Producer to lead work on localizing game files. While not always the case, localization typically comes towards the end of a development cycle - which would suggest Hogwarts Legacy is close to being finished.

AccountNGT adds that they've heard Avalanche received assistance from another development studio, Sumo Digital, which is believed to have "really helped" keep things on track. The leaker finishes by noting we should now expect to see the game sooner rather than later.

This all lines up with a previous NVIDIA database leak which suggested Hogwarts Legacy will release on March 8, just two months from now. That would certainly qualify as sooner than expected, right? Assuming this date is accurate, we'd imagine Warner Bros. will have a new trailer or gameplay to show off soon.

For now, take the report with a pinch of salt, March 8 is really close, after all. Keep your expectations in check and remember that patience is a virtue.

Featured Image Credit: Warner Bros.

Topics: Harry Potter, Hogwarts Legacy, Warner Bros