Have you ever dreamed about racing at high speed on a broom or is it just me? Say it’s not just me, please?
Developed by Avalanche Software, Hogwarts Legacy was released in February and is already one of best sellers of the year. In fact, it has generated over $1 billion, which is more than most Harry Potter movies. Hogwarts Legacy even outsold the lifetime sales of Elden Ring in just five weeks.
Enjoy a tour of Hogwarts' four house common rooms below.
Set during the late 1890s, long before the Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts movies, Hogwarts Legacy centres around an unknown student entering the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in their fifth year. Hogwarts Legacy features a vast and enticing world with quests, secrets, new places to discover, NPCs to interact with, and even a spot of broom racing. This only made fans crave an in-game Quidditch event even more. Hopefully, that will arrive in a sequel.
However, to be fair, we are at least getting a standalone Quidditch game at some point. Still, you can fly brooms in Hogwarts Legacy and partake in some epic races against other NPC students. Sadly, at least officially, you can’t race against real-world players.
Thankfully, the talented modding group My Together Team have created a multiplayer mod for broom racing and it looks amazing. You may recognise the name of this group as they’re responsible for some fantastic Skyrim mods. Take a look-see at the multiplayer broom racing gameplay below.
In related news, someone has modded guns into Hogwarts Legacy and it instantly made the game a look much darker, with no Killing Curse required. Yikes.
Hogwarts Legacy is out now for PC, PlayStation and Xbox. It was supposed to have been released on Nintendo Switch by now, but after suffering multiplayer delays, patient fans will have to wait a little longer to explore Hogwarts on the go.
Topics: Hogwarts Legacy, Harry Potter, Warner Bros, Mods