Grand Theft Auto VI is going to be huge, and I mean that in every sense.
Huge in terms of its sales, playerbase, impact … and scale.
Rockstar Games’ developers are masters of their craft when it comes to creating rich open worlds.
Red Dead Redemption 2 is all the proof you need on that point. Its world is so exquisitely detailed that even after several playthroughs, I still notice things I’ve never seen before.
That’s certainly not an experience unique to me which is why so many of us are expecting Grand Theft Auto VI’s map to be something very special indeed.
At the moment, there’s no official word on exactly how large the map will be, but that hasn’t halted the progress of the GTA VI Mapping Project.
If you’re unfamiliar with this fan-driven effort, essentially GTA VI’s trailer and leaked materials are being used to create a mock-up map.
And it’s not a mock-up that should be brushed off as a similar initiative was carried out ahead of the launch of GTA V with the fan-made creation being very close to the real thing.
With that in mind, you should take the Mapping Project’s results with a pinch of salt, but there’s likely some truth to be taken from it with a recent size comparison giving some idea of what fans can expect from the eventual official counterpart.
There’s still no trailer two, so you’ll have to make do with the original for now.
The comparison was made by Reddit user boogymann0 who took to the site to write, “Just to put this into perspective. This whole area in the photo is only that much of the entire map,” including a screenshot from GTA VI’s trailer and circling the area where it’s situated on the map.
The user makes an interesting point, although I do think the circle should be made smaller but that only emphasises the OP’s claim.
The screenshot in question showcases a dense cityscape, giving players plenty of streets to roam and cause carnage in and whilst, yes, not all of GTA VI’s map will be this built up, it does go some way to showing the kind of scale we can expect.
“The scale of this map is mind boggling,” the OP added, a thought echoed by many.
“At least 2.5x bigger than V land area and 3x and more including water,” wrote Ant0n61.
“If that map is correct, it seems to be about RDR2 size, maybe a little larger. The difference being the vertical space and the higher quantity of populated areas that are jam packed with details,” replied apittsburghoriginal.
Hopefully it won’t be too long before Rockstar drops a new official crumb for us.
Topics: Grand Theft Auto, GTA 6, Rockstar Games, GTA