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'New World' Explanation For Why The Game Doesn't Have Mounts Is Hilarious

'New World' Explanation For Why The Game Doesn't Have Mounts Is Hilarious

Doctors just want to look out for you.

Imogen Mellor

Imogen Mellor

So you may or may not be following along with Amazon's MMO hit New World right now. Though Amazon Games struggled for years to make something stick, New World has caught the attention of gamers around the world and although people are loving the experience so far, there is one frustration fans have. A lack of mounts.

Mounts are an important part of many MMORPGs these days. Then you're exploring huge areas with a number of quests to run back and forth between, sometimes you want a little bit of help with your treasure and loot right? Well tough because in New World all the animals that could help you, don't want to.

Here is the trailer for New World...

As reported by TheGamer, the reason there aren't any mounts in the game is because animals haven't been domesticated yet. The lore of why players aren't getting any help is included in a note in the game that says: "After a recent spate of back injuries, the doctors of Aeternum feel compelled to issue this warning to anyone who transports goods between settlements:

"Please remember that there are NO beasts of burden on Aeternum. No horse or donkey will pull your cart, carry your pack, or tolerate a rider. All efforts to domesticate or re-domesticate these animals have led only to injury and a lot of swearing.

"Therefore, it's important to transport ONLY as many goods as your own back can bear. Do not overburden your packs or carts. This is not the Old World. In Aeternum, we must all pull our own weight. Your joints will thank you!"

What a nice reminder, and it even adds to why everyone in Aeternum constantly has to run back to storage cabins and reorganise and dump stone, wood, and anything else they have lying around.

Well, it's all very clear now. At least we know why mounts are missing. Though I can imagine as time goes on and the New World community continues to grow, that they'll be an addition further down the line. That's by no means confirmed but perhaps the devs will get bored of walking too.

Featured Image Credit: Amazon Games

Topics: New World