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'God Of War' Artist Designs Sonic Movie-Inspired Version Of Tails

'God Of War' Artist Designs Sonic Movie-Inspired Version Of Tails

Tails never fails.

Ewan Moore

Ewan Moore

I've yet to head to my local cinema to see Sonic The Hedgehog, but I can't wait. Despite some fairly mixed reviews, I've heard from a lot of Sonic fans that it's a dumb-but-fun kid movie with a big heart and a goofy sense of humour. Exactly what I wanted and expected from a movie about a cartoon character that runs super fast, to be honest.

Having not seen Sonic The Hedgehog yet, I have no idea if any of his mates from the games show up in the movie. While I'd assume Tails is in there are some point, I can't say for sure. With that in mind, I can't help but wonder what the helpful little fox inventor might look like, if given the same treatment as Sonic.

To be clear, when I say "say treatment as Sonic," I mean the second, more successful design. I don't want to see an overly realistic-looking Tails before fan backlash forces the design team to go back to the drawing board. Just give me a cute fox. Fortunately, Raf Grassetti was on hand to deliver just that. Check it out below.

Raf Grassetti is probably a familiar name to you at this point. The art director on 2018's beautiful God of War has spent the last year or so sharing stunning versions of classic video game characters on Instagram. He started off with the cast of Super Smash Bros Ultimate, before applying his unique and detailed style to the Star Fox crew. That work was so good that it actually moved Rogue One writer Gary Whitta to express his interest in working with Grassetti to create an animated Star Fox movie, which... yes please.

Now, Grassetti has moved on to Sonic. Using the redesigned version of movie Sonic as his starting point, the artist is imagining what the blue blur's friends might look like if they were to show up in the movie - or a potential sequel. It looks like he's only done Tails and Sonic so far, but judging from his page it looks like Knuckles is on the way soon enough.

Team Sonic Racing
Team Sonic Racing

As I say at the end of any article that I write about Grassetti's work - go and check out his Instagram, because it's a truly wonderful body of work. On top of Star Fox, Smash Bros, and Sonic, Grassetti has also put together some amazing pieces based on Cuphead bosses, as well as a handful of Marvel and Dragon Ball characters.

There isn't one piece of his that I wouldn't happily hang on my wall. Except maybe Slippy Toad. But that's just cos we all hate Slippy Toad.

Featured Image Credit: Raf Grassetti/SEGA

Topics: Sega, Sonic The Hedgehog