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'Fall Guys' Player Discovers Killer Strategy For Winning Final Round

'Fall Guys' Player Discovers Killer Strategy For Winning Final Round

He who controls the hexagon controls the universe.

Ewan Moore

Ewan Moore

Fall Guys has been out for just under a week now, but the indie battle royale has already proven itself to be a smash hit. The Mediatonic-developed 60-player party game has attracted millions of players in a remarkably short space of time, no doubt hooking the masses in with the intoxicating promise of ultimate victory over all others.

Beating out the riff-raff and getting to the very final round in a typical game of Fall Guys is an incredibly tense experience, but I probably don't need to tell you that. Fighting off the remaining dozen or so players in one last, desperate scrap for the crown... it's here you could finally win it all, or completely blow your chance and lose everything you'd spent the last 20 minutes working towards.

Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout /

At the moment, Fall Guys has three final rounds. The first is a game of tag in which players fight to be the last one holding the tail when the timer runs down. The second is a madcap scramble up a mountain of obstacles, with the first one to grab the crown claiming the victory. The third is a particularly terrifying survival game called Hex-A-Gone.

In this round, 12 players (or less) have to do what they can to survive multiple layers of disappearing platforms and be the very last one to fall into the slime below. It's maddeningly tense, especially when there are only two players left desperately scrambling around to be the last one standing across a series of rapidly shrinking safe spaces.

You'd assume that the most obvious strategy here is to stay as high up as possible, keeping to the top layers for as long as you can before dropping down to the very last few platforms at the end. You'd assume that. As it turns out, several players have come away with a "99%" effective strategy for winning Hex-A-Gone that involves the exact opposite of maintaining the high-ground.

As pointed out by lunplayz over on Reddit, the best way to win Hex-A-Gone is to allow yourself to drop to the very bottom layer immediately. From here, you'll have free rein to take out as many of the tiles as possible, so that when the players battling above drop down to where you are, there'll be nowhere safe for them to land. Effectively, they'll have no control over the final layer and will simply drop straight into the slime.

Amazingly, it does work. I ended up trying this strategy out for myself last time I played Hex-A-Gone, and got the win. The final layer of platforms is by far the most important, so being able to have full control over it long before the other players get there gives you a major advantage. Of course, the strat has already blown up on Reddit, and critics have pointed out that the more people know about this technique, the less effective it will become.

I don't doubt that one bit, but it's definitely worth giving it a go while you still can.

Featured Image Credit: Mediatonic

Topics: Fall Guys, PC, Devolver Digital, Battle Royale, PS4