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'Battlefield 2042' Will Have Single-Player Options After All

'Battlefield 2042' Will Have Single-Player Options After All

He travels fastest who travels alone.

Imogen Donovan

Imogen Donovan

Battlefield 2042 was revealed to a rapturous reception, with a not insignificant number of people claiming that it could give the titanic Call Of Duty a run for its money. Now, we know that it is offering single-player options for the lone rangers out there, though they aren't very traditional.

"In 2042, extreme weather events and resource conflicts have shifted the balance of global power," said DICE and EA of the upcoming entry to the hugely popular shooter series.

"The United States and Russia stand at the brink of war, while a mix of non-patriated combat veterans form independent groups known as Task Forces. Fight to define the future in this never-before-seen theatre of war." Those leaks about major natural disasters turning the tides of battle were on the money after all, and in the trailer, we got a glimpse of intense combat encounters across icy locales and choking sandstorms that cloak allies and enemies. The environments themselves are enormous to support those 128-player matches, and Battlefield 2042's biggest map leaves Battlefield 1942's El Alamein in the dust. The whole picture is here in Mark's preview - it's sounding like music to the ears of fans.

Did you know we've got a video series on the latest gaming news, titled Roundup? Well now you do! Our newest episode covers the Battlefield 2042 reveal, as well as the political messages of Far Cry 6 and... a very expensive chicken nugget. Get the lowdown below.

One of the surprising announcements about Battlefield 2042 was that it isn't arriving with a single-player campaign. EA explained that it's a live service title where the story will be delivered in Seasons which are a part of the game's Battle Pass.

Though this might have been disappointing to some, all is not lost, as the multiplayer modes Conquest and Breakthrough will allow players to enter the matches alone. Whereas Multiplayer and Co-op modes will fill the match with other Battlefield 2042 players, the Solo mode will pit the player against AI enemies. Of course, it's not a full-blown campaign, but I suppose it is something. And, it's likely that even the multiplayer options for Conquest and Breakthrough will see AI soldiers, thanks to bots that will take the empty spots so that servers stay full regardless of location.

Battlefield 2042 is on its way to PC, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, and Xbox One on October 22nd, 2021.

Featured Image Credit: EA, DICE

Topics: News, Battlefield 2042, EA, Battlefield