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'Elden Ring' Street View Is The Chillest Way To Explore The Lands Between

'Elden Ring' Street View Is The Chillest Way To Explore The Lands Between

An Elden Ring fan has created a Google Maps inspired version of The Lands Between.

On the whole, Elden Ring is not a chill game. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. It took one player five months to beat the game’s final boss and what’s even worse is that it took 361 attempts for the player to realise that the boss had a second phase. Yikes. Another player reached the final boss of a no-hit run only to have his internet cut out. Elden Ring rewards patience, but is all in all an oftentimes painful experience. There’s now a far more relaxed way to enjoy the Lands Between though.

Speaking of Elden Ring, check out this incredible boss battle royale.

Reddit user nassimsoftwareNEW has created an incredible Google Maps-inspired Street View version of Lands Between. Now you can stroll through Heligtree or the Swamp of Aeonia without being attacked, killed or jumped by the deadly inhabitants of those regions. Take a look at the project in action below.

Needless to say, fans were impressed. RESPEKMA_AUTHORITAH wrote, “Holy s**t this is impressive. Good job man, definitely one for the portfolio.” Inevitable-Rooster75 added, “As a fellow dev, this is f**king awesome,” while Darthkaoky called the creator an “absolute legend.”

Personally, I would jump at the chance to explore Caelid without being constantly ambushed by Rotten Strays and Monstrous Crows. Give me a boss fight over those anger-inducing creatures anyday.

Featured Image Credit: Bandai Namco

Topics: Elden Ring, Bandai Namco, Fromsoftware

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