Andrew Garfield, also know around these parts as the single best thing in Spider-Man: No Way Home, has expressed his interest in returning to the MCU for more superhero team-ups.
Specifically, Garfield wants to reunite with his "brothers" Tom Holland and Tobey Maguire for further multiverse shenanigans. We certainly back it.
As I'm sure you'd agree, the scenes shared by the three generations of Spider-Men were among the very best of the movie. There's clearly much more room to explore the dynamics between Peter One, Two, and Three. And plenty of comedy waiting to be mined from a reunion, too.
"I would love to continue working with Tobey and with Tom," Garfield said in a recent interview with the Happy Sad Confused podcast. "I think that kind of three-brother dynamic is so... I don't know, juicy."
Prior to the release of Spider-Man: No Way Home, Garfield spoke openly about how his experience playing Spider-Man in the Amazing movies ultimately broke his heart. While typically regarded as a wonderful Spidey in his own right, The Amazing Spider-Man 2 was a bloated sequel that failed so hard Sony chose to team up with Marvel and reboot the character for a second time, this time bringing him into the MCU.
The upshot is that we got a remarkable Spider-Man in Tom Holland, but Garfield was rather left out in the cold. That's why it's so great to see him speaking so passionately about No Way Home, and the chance it gave him to heal old wounds.
"To be honest man, I'm going to honestly say I'm so happy and satisfied and grateful to be a part of [Spider-Man: No Way Home]," Garfield said, adding that he's too busy enjoying the moment to really think about his future as the character.
"It's hard to want more right now. I'm just kind of just trying to savor this moment with the fans, with the audience, and just kind of say 'Thank you.' Yeah. I just feel humble and grateful for the response."
Featured Image Credit: Sony/MarvelTopics: Spider Man, Sony, Marvel