Recently on show at London’s WASD event, LEGO Bricktales is a brand-new block-building puzzler from Bridge Constructor developers ClockStone, due out later in 2022. While LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga has just recently been released, this title is very different and goes down a more indie-feeling route.
Showcasing Bricktales at the event was Julian Reinartz from the title’s publisher, Sweden’s Thunderful Games. We sat down with him to have a brief conversation about this lovely looking forthcoming release.
Check out the reveal trailer for LEGO Bricktales, below…
GAMINGbible: What is LEGO Bricktales all about?
Julian Reinartz: So, LEGO Bricktales is an adventure where you create your own character, and you are thrown into this world where your grandfather is the first person that you will visit. And he will invite you to do a little bit more exploration and more adventures.
What you have is all these little worlds, these tales as we call them, where you will find yourself in different feats and you have to solve puzzles. And to solve these puzzles, the general idea of LEGO, is you build stuff. And you have to try and figure out how that stuff works.
You will know all the tiles (LEGO bricks) and you will have to figure out yourself how to make it work. There's always stuff happening in these small worlds where you are, and you have to figure out how to solve this.
GAMINGbible: So it's kind of like a puzzler mixed with crafting elements, right? Can you tell us more of the kinds of things that you can build in this game?
JR: So it always depends on the kind of situation. For example, you have a small issue where you have to get up somewhere, so you have to build a bridge to get yourself across. But it's always a specific situation you have to solve by creating it with bricks.
GAMINGbible: And are there any kind of limits to the things you can build with the bricks?
JR: You always have a certain set of bricks, so it's not like you have an unlimited amount or everything you want is yours, but there's always the stuff you have. Sometimes it's more than you need. Sometimes you have to figure out the exact thing and how it works.

GAMINGbible: And this is a story-driven game, right? There’s a whole narrative that you have to play through. So how many worlds are there?
JR: There’s at least five to seven worlds, and every world has its own main NPC character that guides you through it. So, as I said, the first world is your grandfather who has a theme park kind of thing. And this is the first thing you start with; then you have the jungle, pirates, pyramids, and there's also some stuff in between.
GAMINGbible: So there's a wide array of different biomes. From some of the art shown for Bricktales, these different worlds don’t look very big. Ae they this sort of size, or are they actually quite expansive?
JR: The dioramas you can see right now, that is just a small picture.
GAMINGbible: Okay, so when is this game coming out?
JR: This is something I can't tell you yet! I know it's planned for this year, but that's all I can say on that.
LEGO Bricktales is indeed planned for a 2022 release, on PC and possibly other platforms? We’ll have to wait and see.
Topics: Indie Games, Lego, PC, Interview