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'Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse 2' Reportedly Being Announced Soon

'Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse 2' Reportedly Being Announced Soon

The best Spider-Man film's sequel is set to release in 2022

There are a lot of Spider-Man films now. From Holland to Maguire, everyone who loves Spidey had to start somewhere in their love for the films - and though the live action films are (mostly) great, the pièce de résistance of them all may be 2018’s Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

With some of the most gorgeous animation and artwork we have seen in any film, Into the Spider-Verse changed people’s perceptions on what the very concept of Spider-Man really was. Often we just think of him as Peter Parker, but this movie really shone a light on Miles Morales too, as well as the rest of the cast. The film was such a success that a sequel was confirmed in November 2019, and apparently we’re not not far off from a reveal.

Thinking more immediately, here is the trailer for the imminent Spider-Man: No Way Home...

Comicbook spotted that Fandango had an interview with Amy Pascal, an executive producer on Spider-Man: No Way Home. When the producer was asked about how Into the Spider-Verse 2 was coming along, she says: “It’s going to be fantastic. We have something to show on that very soon.”

And that sort of makes sense. The film isn’t due out until October 2022, but it’ll be good to start building some hype for its release in the new year - perhaps a teaser trailer to whet our appetites. Whatever the next instalment holds, we’re excited to see how Miles, Gwen, and the rest of the cast are doing with the new knowledge of parallel universes. 

In that same interview with Pascal, by the way, it was revealed that Tom Holland would be staying on as Peter Parker for a while yet. It seems that although Sony and Disney’s collaborations can be a little tumultuous at times, they’re going to keep working together to keep Holland in the suit and in the MCU. 

Featured Image Credit: Sony Pictures Animation

Topics: Spider Man, TV And Film, Marvel