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​You Can Now Find Pokémon In More Places Than Ever

​You Can Now Find Pokémon In More Places Than Ever

Niantic is spreading out Pokémon in 'Pokémon GO' to tempt you to go exploring.

Julian Benson

Julian Benson

As someone who only really caught the Pokémon GO bug in the last month, and has found it's become the app I idly tap open at any convenient break, I've become aware of and frustrated by the gaps in Pokémon spawns. There are some parts around where I live where I'll find six or more Pokémon to catch, all clustered around some densely packed PokéStops, whereas other parts of my neighbourhood are barren wastelands, where there's nothing to catch at all. Niantic looks to be addressing that, however, spreading out Pokémon spawns around the world.

"Our focus has been dedicated to improving the experience of Trainers who live and play in areas of the world that may not have as many PokéStops or Pokémon to encounter as others," Niantic says in a recent blog. "Trainers may now encounter Pokémon in more places than before."

Pokémon GO
Pokémon GO

Now, in truth, these areas of the world they're talking about likely aren't the parts of London I was describing. But it does mean when I visit my parents in Buxton or head out to a cottage in Wales over Christmas I'll be more likely to find something to catch. I can't risk losing my daily catch streak after all.

Niantic claims "Pokémon should now be more spread out." To put it in perspective, "This migration of Pokémon has nearly doubled the number of locations where Pokémon can be found in the wild around the world." And that that means in practice is that "Trainers might be seeing more Pokémon in places where few Pokémon encounters occurred previously-or even in places where Trainers didn't encounter Pokémon at all"

Niantic is also trialing a wave of new PokéStops, so there should be more places to visit in the coming months. My main hope is that some of the stops get tagged to more interesting places than my local post office. (Though, in truth, I'd like them to rename the nearby stop that's currently listed as 'Otter Mural' when it's clearly a painting of a hedgehog).

Featured Image Credit: Niantic

Topics: Pokemon Go, Nintendo