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Razer's New Gaming Chair Is Being Compared To The Wall-E Recliners

Razer's New Gaming Chair Is Being Compared To The Wall-E Recliners

It's not long before chairs will come out with screens attached

Imogen Mellor

Imogen Mellor

Some times art imitates life, other times life imitates art. In this case, Razer has imitated WALL-E. In Razer's latest CES 2021 showings, the gaming hardware company showed off a new gaming chair concept, Project Brooklyn, which looks pretty similar to the dystopian chairs humanity exists in on the ship in Pixar's hit animated film WALL-E.

It's hard to deny that between the futuristic screen floating just in front of the user's face and the perhaps slightly-too-padded seat, there's not a whole lot of difference between the images of the film and the images of the chair. Granted, we're still going to find Razer's chair cool, it's a gamer's dream situation, but the comparison is rather amusing.

If you're not familiar with the film WALL-E (go watch it, it's great) it imagines a distant dystopian future where humanity has polluted the Earth so badly, that they've left the planet on a huge space-faring cruise ship while our unfortunate planet is cleaned by WALL-E robots. There is no life left on Earth and after a probe ship comes back to check the status of the planet, WALL-E gets to see where the humans are now after over a century of galactic leisure travel.

On this ship humans are now overweight, technology-obsessed beings who exist only to sit in a hover chair, eat, and drink. This product from Razer seems like a step in the direction of that lifestyle, but honestly, who hasn't fantasised about spending their entire day (or even entire life) doing nothing but playing games?

In any case, this chair might be part of your future's wildest dreams, or worst nightmares, but Razer's other new project is probably a little more practical. Project Hazel is Razer's step into making sustainable masks that keep us safe in a pandemic conscious world - oh and it's covered in RGB just so people know you're a gamer.

Featured Image Credit: Razer / Disney

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