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'Black Ops Cold War' Now Takes Up A Third Of PlayStation 5 Storage

'Black Ops Cold War' Now Takes Up A Third Of PlayStation 5 Storage

Oh lawd he coming.

Ewan Moore

Ewan Moore

Call Of Duty players have once again found themselves frustrated by the ballooning file sizes of newer games in the series. The most recent entry, Call Of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, now takes up close to one third of storage space on the PlayStation 5. It's not an ideal situation for anyone, really.

Treyarch's latest instalment just kicked off its fourth season, bringing with it fan-favourite maps, new weapons, and plenty more. Unfortunately instead of being able to admire all of this delicious c o n t e n t , fans are too busy stressing out over whether they can really afford to keep Black Ops Cold War installed.

Take a look at some of the most memorable Call Of Duty wins and fails below!

As pointed out over on Reddit, Black Ops Cold War with all the trimmings (online multiplayer, zombies, and campaign) takes up 219.8GB on PlayStation 5. For those that don't know, the PlayStation 5 has 667.2GB of useable storage. I mean... that's not great.

"This game is now 219.8 GB on PS5, which has 667.2 GB of free console storage space to start with," wrote a clearly irate switchondem. "The tech to compress it exists, but the file size just keeps increasing."

As others have pointed out, it's possible to uninstall parts of the game you're not using, but the file size is still massive compared to other PlayStation 5 titles. Without the campaign installed, Black Ops Cold War weighs in at a little over 150GB. That's still a heck of a lot more than most of the currently existing PlayStation 5 exclusives! Returnal is 56.15GB, Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart is just 33GB, and Demon's Souls is 52GB. In other words, Black Ops Cold War is bigger than three PlayStation 5 exclusives combined, and that's without the campaign installed.

I'd be the first to admit Call Of Duty fans complain about some trivial stuff, but this? Good lord Activision, sort it out.

Featured Image Credit: Activision

Topics: PlayStation 5, GAMING, News, Call of Duty, Activision