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'Mass Effect: Legendary Edition' Might Be The Name Of Remastered Trilogy

'Mass Effect: Legendary Edition' Might Be The Name Of Remastered Trilogy

Asari to bother you.

Imogen Donovan

Imogen Donovan

The rumoured Mass Effect remasters are apparently titled Mass Effect: Legendary Edition, and we might be getting more news very soon.

In its Q2 2020 earnings call, Electronic Arts told investors that it has "exciting remasters of fan favourites," waiting in the wings, with "multiple EA games set to launch on Nintendo Switch". Understandably, the company kept mum on what those could be, but GamesBeat reporter Jeff Grubb stole their thunder. Last month, he claimed that the publisher is working on remasters of the classic third-person shooters, Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2, and Mass Effect 3. He even added that these will be on the shelves in October.

The wider Mass Effect cast /

Like all of the other months in this year, October is approaching at a frankly frightening pace. Neither EA nor BioWare have made any mention of a remaster trilogy, and now would be a good opportunity to generate hype. In spite of this, there may be something in this report. Grubb has had an accurate track record in the past - for example, he was on the money when he said that Nintendo wouldn't present a Direct in June. And, he stated that Dragon Age 4 would release in 2021 at the earliest, and lo: EA announced that Dragon Age 4 is pitching towards a release in 2022.

Nevertheless, we should be wary of throwing our lot in with Grubb for the time being. He also asserted that Mass Effect: Legendary Edition wouldn't release for the Nintendo Switch; yet, there was a recent retailer listing for the games on the hybrid/portable platform. Furthermore, the pandemic may have affected EA's plans to reveal a remaster of the series, as teams have been working remotely and adjusting to that situation. Finally, October is a little early for N7 Day, which is a celebration of all things Mass Effect held on November 7. Surely that would be the dream date to drop the remasters?

Mass Effect 3 /

Mass Effect is a brilliant series, and it's incredibly important to a lot of gamers for their identity, owing to the customisable player character and the branching storylines across the three games. Its latest entry, Andromeda, wasn't well-received, though it experimented with more flexible RPG mechanics and an open-world layout on planets. The opportunity for veterans and newcomers alike to enjoy the games with sparkly sci-fi visuals and a few technical improvements (hopefully) is a big tick in my book. Grubb has said that he will expand upon what he knows about the trilogy this week, so, fingers crossed.

Featured Image Credit: BioWare, EA

Topics: Bioware, Mass Effect, EA