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Newcastle Player Confused That 60-Year-Old Manager Has More Pace Than Him In 'FIFA 22'

Newcastle Player Confused That 60-Year-Old Manager Has More Pace Than Him In 'FIFA 22'

If he can really run like that, why isn't he on the pitch?

Imogen Mellor

Imogen Mellor

There must be something really cool about seeing yourself in a game right? I mean of course, if you're a professional football player, you're going to be used to seeing yourself on the pitch on TV all the time - it sort of comes with the job of being a professional athlete. But then seeing yourself added into perhaps a childhood favourite game like FIFA must be surreal, that is until it seems like your 60-year-old manager can run faster than you.

Imagine that. Making it as a player, getting all the way to the top of your profession before suddenly being put in your place by your manager. Well, that's what's happening in FIFA 22 as Steve Bruce seems to be outpacing his benched players in-game which is very funny for anyone playing.

Here is the trailer for FIFA 22...

A tweet from a FIFA 22 fan has gone viral as they laugh at seeing Bruce book it down the field in celebration, outrunning his team and it's hilarious. Anyone that knows what Bruce looks like in real life knows just how jarring this is. What's funnier, is that Newcastle midfielder Allan Saint-Maximin has responded to the tweet too.

Bruce is outrunning him so naturally he wants FIFA developers EA to be held accountable for making it seem like the 60-year-old still has his playing legs. He says: "Can you explain me EA Sports FIFA why did you give me 91 pace and 99 pace to Steve Bruce?" And yeah okay I'm laughing again already.

It's not like Saint-Maximin is a slow player anyway, so how Steve Bruce is leaving him in the dust is a mystery. But honestly, Steve, if you can run like that secretly, perhaps it's time to get back on the pitch yourself, eh mate?

Featured Image Credit: EA

Topics:ย FIFA