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'Call Of Duty: Warzone' Players Beg Devs To Remove OP Item From Solos

'Call Of Duty: Warzone' Players Beg Devs To Remove OP Item From Solos

Who gave these players a driving license anyway?

Imogen Mellor

Imogen Mellor

Balancing any game is a little difficult, let alone one of the biggest battle royale experiences the world has ever seen. With the constant updates, new content, operators, and more, Call of Duty: Warzone's ecosystem is a fragile thing, and requires delicate tuning to make sure everyone who drops into a match has a fair chance of winning. Right now though, players are upset at one particular item that they don't think belongs, and we can see why.

According to CharlieIntel, Warzone players hate Big Berthas in solo matches. The vehicle, as the name suggests, is a rather large beast. It's got six wheels and probably a kaiju for an engine as it can take on any single player with ease - which is why gamers don't want it in solo matches anymore. Trying to take down one of these things as it's driving towards you feels just a little impossible sometimes.

Though you can get serious plays in Warzone sometimes genius ideas don't exactly play out how you want them to. Watch this video of some of our favourite wins and, of course, fails we've seen:

The trucks are hard to destroy, even with a team, and so just driving one around the map and crushing the occasional player is now a cheesy way to get to the last stages of a Warzone game. As CharlieIntel spotted, there is even a clip on Reddit showing a conga line of Berthas chasing one another as players recognised how ridiculous the sight was. And with that many Big Berthas altogether, there is no way any single player could take down these players without getting taken out by the trucks first.

So will they be removed from solos? With the amount of buzz around the problem, and now videos like stonks_xd's showing how overpowered a group of these trucks is, it's probably something Raven Software is at least considering. Replacing Berthas with other vehicles hopefully would help this cheesy play, but also allow players to get across the map to the circle easily if they need to. Hopefully, we'll see a balance update soon.

Featured Image Credit: Activision

Topics: News, Call of Duty Warzone