There’s something oh so satisfying about getting a Platinum Trophy on PlayStation games. Being rewarded with an extra something special on top of the satisfaction of earning every single Trophy in a game really enriches the experience.
Don't get me wrong, getting all the Achievements available to maximise Gamerscore for a game on Xbox is cool too, but it's nothing on the feeling you get while staring at a magnificently shiny Platinum Trophy - and that's coming from someone who primarily games on an Xbox.
However, a lot of the time those sweet Platinum awards can feel like a real grind to achieve. There are usually a few trophies that are either too difficult or too tedious, meaning that the process just isn’t fun.
I absolutely adore The Witcher 3, for example, but completing the game on ‘Death March’ difficulty is a step too far. Similarly, the Uncharted series is a cinematic masterpiece, but most of the Trophies on offer are dull and monotonous.
On the other hand, there are some games where the Trophies are actually fun to get. They can add another few hours onto a game that you’re already enjoying, allowing you to fully explore areas that you may have skipped past. Some may have you replay a mission stealthily or within a time limit, forcing you to think of a quicker route or making you use a weapon you may have otherwise ignored. A lot of Trophies like these are still challenging, without making you want to pull your hair out by collecting hundreds of meaningless items.
I’ve asked the wonderful GAMINGbible team to write a little about their most fun game to Platinum on PlayStation, highlighting their favourite trophy too. Hopefully this article will help persuade you to add another Platinum Trophy to your collection.
Deathloop - Arkane, 2021

After coming third in the GAMINGbible’s Top 40 Video Games Of The Year 2021, I jumped into Arkane’s first-person shooter with great expectations. However, I didn’t anticipate that I’d want to keep playing even after the credits rolled. At this point, I already had about 60% of the trophies unlocked, just from naturally playing through the story. The others I needed allowed me to explore different ways of killing each Visionary in the mystifying world of Blackreef. Getting the better of all three targets at Aleksis’ party without being spotted is challenging, but made me approach the mission in a way that I hadn't even thought about on my first run. The adrenaline rush I experienced when Julianna invaded my timeline while I was trying to escape the map without using a gun was immense. Another highlight was finally figuring out how to persuade a robot to turn all the NPCs against a Visionary.
It took around fifteen hours for me to beat the main game, and another nine hours to get the Platinum, which flew by surprisingly quickly. Deathloop is only the third game I’ve ever got a Platinum Trophy for on PlayStation, and one that I’d highly recommend to any completionists out there. Will McCue
Favourite Deathloop trophy: Ghost At The Feast - Kill 3 targets at Aleksis’ party without being seen.
Persona 5 Royal - Atlus, 2017

It’s no exaggeration to say I adore Persona 5 Royal. In my review, I gave it a perfect 10/10 score. So it’s no surprise that getting the Platinum in P5R was a highlight of my gaming career, taking almost 140 hours to achieve.
As far as JRPGs go, Persona 5 Royal is the best example of a modern one. It has an excellent story, relatable characters, thrilling combat systems, and a host of thoroughly enjoyable side quests. It also offers an array of PlayStation trophies, with some of them being particularly satisfying to earn.
Some are related to minigames, such as ‘Dartslinger’, which requires you to play a game of darts (shocking, I know). While it’s an easy trophy to unlock, it’s fun to do because of how amusing the minigame is. After all, not every trophy has to be challenging, right?
But challenges can be fun, and that’s where the ‘Unsurpassed Rebel’ trophy comes in. This award is earned by beating the Grim Reaper, an optional boss found in the Mementos dungeon. This expanding labyrinth gets bigger as the game progresses, and the Reaper can be found within.
The fight is probably the hardest one in the whole game, pushing you and your party to their limits. The Reaper is strong enough to one-shot pretty much all of your heroes, even on ‘Easy’ mode. This makes it all the better when you triumph over the shady customer.
At the time of writing, PSNProfiles shows that 44.08% of players have earned the Platinum in Persona 5 Royal. That’s a combined total of 11,851 gamers, which shows that while it’s not guaranteed, this Platinum is achievable for many of us.
So, if you fancy grabbing another Platinum, or maybe even your first, Give Persona 5 Royal a go. James Daly
Favourite Persona 5 Royal trophy: Unsurpassed Rebel - Conquered the Reaper.
Marvel’s Spider-Man - Insomniac Games, 2018

I’m not one for doing everything in an open world. A good rummage around, a few key side quests, the main story and I’m done. Wandering around and picking up the bits and pieces in a large open expanse just isn’t for me. But when it comes to Marvel’s Spider-Man, a game that made traversing around the map an absolute dream, I just didn't want the experience to end.
Developers Insomniac Games did such a stunning job when it came to the web swinging mechanics, that for me, the joy of that first swing to Fisk Tower in the opening moments never faded - even as I collected Peter’s last backpack.
Yes, many of the side quests and collectables are dull and repetitive, but it never felt a chore because the means of getting from A to B, or satisfaction in fighting the waves of baddies with the excellent combat mechanics, never got old. Insomniac created one of my favourite games ever, and I would have caught 1000 more pigeons if it meant the experience would never end. Tom Ryan-Smith
Favourite Marvel’s Spider-Man trophy: Be Greater - Collect All Trophies
Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart - Insomniac Games, 2021

I’m gonna level with you: I’ve never cared that much about collecting Trophies or hunting Achievements in video games. I’ll typically play a game till it stops being fun, and will happily leave it at that. It’s why I never made it past the first ten minutes of Battlefield 2042.
But trophy hunting in anything Insomniac Games makes hits different. I squeezed every last drop of sweet content out of Marvel’s Spider-Man and Miles Morales. At first I thought I was just a massive Marvel shill (which I am, tbf), but Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart made me see that Insomniac’s intoxicating and beautifully streamlined approach to Trophies applies to all its games.
Going for the Platinum in Rift Apart never feels like a chore, which is an achievement in itself. There isn’t a single Trophy in the entire adventure that loses sight of the anarchic sci-fi chaos that makes it one of GAMINGbible’s few 10/10 video games. I don’t know what Insomniac has in store for us next, but I know I won’t stop till I’ve picked it clean of every last stinking trophy - and I’m gonna have a great time doing it. Ewan Moore
Favourite Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart trophy: Aim To Misbehave - Acquire the RYNO
Topics: PlayStation, Deathloop, Marvels Spider Man