With a name such as “Star Wars” it should come as no surprise that the franchise will have an excessive kill count. After all, the word “Wars” is in the title and what is a war without casualties?
However, what might surprise you in Star Wars, is a character with the highest kill count. Could it be Darth Vader, Darth Sidious or even Boba Fett, after all, the latter is an infamous bounty hunter. Well, he was, that was until The Book of Boba Fett on Disney Plus ruined him but that’s a topic for another day.
Check out the Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer below!
It’s fair to say that the Star Wars franchise has had a tough time lately, not only with the quality of the sequel trilogy being brought into question especially when it comes to The Last Jedi and The Rise of Skywalker but the new Disney Plus series, The Acolyte was recently cancelled.
For me personally, while not a perfect movie and a far stretch from the original trilogy, Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens was a fun movie and gave fans hope that the beloved sci-fi movie franchise had regained its lost spark.
There was a moment in The Force Awakens that set the tone of the dark side of the Force being very much alive despite the fall of Darth Vader, Darth Sidoous and the Galactic Empire. I am about to go into spoilers for The Force Awakens, so you have been warned.
Armitage Hux, a military general of the First Order during the New Republic era was in command of the Starkiller Base and with that power, he decided mercilessly to destroy the planet Hosnian Prime and in the process, according to a Star Wars kill count wiki page, murdered 155,572,361,721 civilians.
This is the same man that orchestrated the death of his father, so being an evil so-and-so should come as no surprise, but instantly killing over 155 billion people is next-level aspiring Sith stuff.
As for the characters that have killed less than Armitage Hux, Darth Nihilus (KOTOR2) is second with 6.56 billion, Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin (OG trilogy) is third with over 2 billion, Orson Callan Krennic (Rogue One) is fourth with 11 million and surprisingly, Jedi Ashoka Tano is fifth with over 4 million.
Other notable names include Lando Calrissian with 1.8 million, Luke Skywalker with 1.5 million (likely due to destroying the Death Star) and his dad, Anakin Skywalker aka Darth Vader has just 153,000. I say “just” but by Sith Lord standards, that’s a bit tame.
You can watch all the Star Wars movies and series right now on Disney Plus.
Topics: Star Wars, Disney, TV And Film