The Tomb Raider I-III Remastered was finally released on 14 February which saw the iconic PlayStation 1 games get the update fans have been desperate for. Most importantly, they were excited to recreate an iconic moment.
Developed by UK studio Core Design in the mid-to-late ‘90s, the first three Tomb Raider games were a success to say the least. Making Lara Croft a household name and giving young girls somebody to look up to, it is no surprise that the Tomb Raider franchise has gone on to become as popular today as it was over thirty years ago.
That is even more apparent with the release of Tomb Raider I-III Remastered earlier this week that has since gone on to reach a 78 user rating on Metacritic for PlayStation 5 users. PushSquare released a review of the updated remaster saying: “Based on the original source code, this trilogy flawlessly reframes three iconic PS1 puzzle platformers as you remember them – warts and all.”
However, as much as fans wanted to get stuck into the remaster so they could explore, kill and parade around as the iconic Lara Croft, the majority of them also wanted to relive some old memories of locking a certain butler in a freezer.
Posted to r/XboxSeriesX, one user wrote: “Tomb Raider trilogy worth it just for this” alongside a video of Lara tricking her butler into getting into the giant walk-in freezer before flipping out of the door and closing it behind her.
If you have played the original games, you have probably partaken in this small bit of bullying and fans are overjoyed to see it is still possible in the recent remaster. “We all did it. Anyone who claims otherwise is a liar,” one comment read.
Additionally, eagle-eyed fans may notice that the unfortunate butler even freezes solid in the remaster which was not a feature in the original PS1 title. The poor guy just can’t catch a break.
Topics: Tomb Raider, PlayStation