Just over a week ago, Square Enix put Final Fantasy fans out of their misery when they finally unveiled the sequel to 2020’s Final Fantasy VII Remake, which we now know is officially called Final Fantasy VII Rebirth.
The game - which is the second in a trilogy - is set to release sometime next winter and we should expect to see changes when it comes to comparing Rebirth to the 1997 original given where FFVII Remake ended. Alongside the announcement, Square Enix dropped a reveal trailer and this week, a toddler managed to bait fans into thinking another teaser was on the way.
Take a look at the reveal trailer for Final Fantasy VII Rebirth below.
Twitter user FFVIINovels took to the platform to show a change he’d noticed on the FFVII Remake title screen. The user wrote, “Holy heck, and now this Rebirth colour effect has been added to the title screen when you boot up Final Fantasy VII Remake.” The accompanying video showed a red glow around the Buster sword.
The user later added, “I’m sharing a direct PS5 upload to prove it's not my monitor.” Rebirth does have a red logo so naturally, fans got super excited but just 20 minutes later, that all came to a swift end because FFVIINovels revealed that his toddler was actually responsible for the ‘teaser.’
He wrote, “Folks, I’m so sorry. False alarm. Turns out my toddler has thrown a toy at my TV, both damaging the screen and sending the FFVII community into meltdown.” Let’s be honest, the hilarity of this is far more enjoyable than if this would’ve been a real teaser. I hope when this toddler grows up, they’re informed of the time they fooled thousands of gamers. What a legacy.
Topics: Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy 7, Square Enix