One modder for The Witcher 3 has proven, yet again, that CD Projekt Red's modding community is second only to Bethesda's, by restoring a mechanic that was cut from the game early in its development.
FreakVIp over on Nexus Mods has just released their Reputation System mod which, according to its description, "restores the reputation concept that was cut by CDPR from the game".
The reputation system adds five different reputations (Hated, Disliked, Neutral, Liked, and Respected) across five of The Witcher 3's regions (Temeria, Nilfgaard, Redania, Skellige, and Toussaint).
Geralt's reputation can be altered in several different ways, such as by stealing from townsfolk, murdering guards, completing monster hunts, and by competing in a variety of races and fist fights.
Your reputation will also increase or decrease based on what decisions you make in both the main quests and side quests, meaning that your choice in that one baby/oven-related mission will doubtlessly prove to make you feel even worse this time around.
Other than giving players further opportunity to roleplay as either an evil or morally good Geralt, the mod does also feature one extra mechanic tied to the reputation system that will likely give your choices some more weight.
Depending on how much the townsfolk in one particular area either love or despise Geralt based on his reputation, prices will fluctuate in tow.
If you're loved, townsfolk will offer you 30% off of all of their goods and even buy your items for an increased 30% return.
If you're hated however, not only will townsfolk charge you an extra 30% for all their items... but they'll also offer you a whopping 70% less for what you attempt to sell to them.
All in all, it's extremely impressive work from FreakVIp. Almost as impressive as that time someone just restored an entire cut ending in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.
Topics: CD Projekt Red, The Witcher, The Witcher 3