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This Brilliant 'Uncharted 4' Easter Egg Has Been Seen By “Hardly Anyone”

This Brilliant 'Uncharted 4' Easter Egg Has Been Seen By “Hardly Anyone”

It gives you a bird’s eye view of the environment.

Imogen Donovan

Imogen Donovan

This Easter egg in Uncharted 4: A Thief's End is actually awesome, and it's a wonder that it's hardly ever stumbled upon by players of the acclaimed ending of Nathan Drake's adventure.

Easter eggs are a very usual thing in all sorts of media - blink-and-you'll-miss-it nods to the sources of inspiration, or the favourite songs of the team, or personal acknowledgements to the people who helped it all happen. Discovering them is like you and the creator have shared an in-joke with each other, and last weekend, developers proclaimed the very best Easter eggs that they've added in their games. Total War: Warhammer II senior character artist Danny Sweeney said that an alternate skin for the Grey Seer is really a reference to Tim the Enchanter from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Michael Pilatzkie, a level designer for Watch Dogs Legion, apparently "did [their] best to leave a slice of pizza in every location [they] worked on." Now I know you'll go and have a look for those deliciously cheesey slices and find them a new home.

The most intriguing one that we've seen is one that doesn't require anything from the player in order to activate it in Uncharted 4. Animator and author Jonathan Cooper re-shared a video from freelance character artist Alejandro Bielsa, where Nathan Drake has climbed to the very top of a clock tower. So, if the player leaves their controller alone for a little while, as Nathan is balancing precariously in the fearsome winds at this altitude, the camera will start to move of its own accord. Slowly sweeping over the vista, Cooper says this was his attempt at recreating the synchronisations in the Assassin's Creed series. "I climbed that tower just to feel like Desmond and discovered this, it's [sic] was a beautiful moment. Thank you," said @HardwiredSaw on Twitter. Great minds think alike, it appears.

The Uncharted movie, which has Tom Holland in the role of the young treasure hunter, is set to release in 2022. Mark Wahlberg is playing Sully and Sophia Taylor Ali is playing Chloe Frazer. Though it sounds like the movie that fans have been waiting for for more than a decade, Holland recently stated that he did make some mistakes while on the job. He even went as far as to say it is "something that [he will] probably never do again." Oof.

Featured Image Credit: Naughty Dog, Ubisoft

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